
Virtual Reality is therapy for the brain and body

Read the full article from JewishVoicesNJ here Too often, the popular focus on technology is obsessed with social media like the latest Twitter storm, Facebook rant, or Instagram “meltdown” over some new community outrage. While we’re glued to our screens clicking refresh to see the next angry comment, technologies that we think of mainly for

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Collaborative Environment, Networking Opportunities Attract Rutgers University Spinoff Bright Cloud International to CCIT

Read full article from NJEDA here North Brunswick, N.J. (March 22, 2018) – Stroke victims, dementia sufferers, and patients who have sustained traumatic brain injuries can now incorporate virtual reality games into their rehabilitation therapy, thanks to technology developed by Bright Cloud International (BCI) Corp. The Rutgers University spinoff moved its operations into the New

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Rutgers VR spinoff moves to NJEDA incubator

  Read full article from ROI-NJ here. Virtual reality is mostly known as a platform for gamers — allowing its users to escape from the real world by commanding the Enterprise, rescuing their child from a post-apocalyptic wasteland or being transported smack-dab into the middle of a murder mystery. However, there’s another angle at play.

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