October 2, 2018 – BCI presented at the ACRM Symposium Brain Gaming for Improving Cognitive Function: From Evidence to Action

Greg Burdea PhD and Namrata Grampurohit Phd, OT were presenters at ACRM 2018 Symposium Brain Gaming for Improving Cognitive Function: From Evidence to Action on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 from 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM.
This interdisciplinary symposium has two main goals:

  1. Present synthesis data on current evidence evaluating brain gaming clinical trails on elderly with cognitive impairments.
  2. Report data on applied brain gaming studies involving a variety of clinical populations, specifically related to engagement of individuals in collaborative gaming.

Presenters provided an interpretation of strengths and limitations of this intervention for improving cognition, recommendations for use of brain gaming in clinical practice and highlight improvements in study design for future research on brain gaming.

Download the ACRM Symposium Abstract here.